
Introduction to Local Officer Training (NWT)

UNW Training Rooms, 4910-53rd Street Yellowknife NT

July 11 , 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

For members working/residing in NWT This two day course is an introductory level course for new or active Local Officers who…


Tentative Agreement Reached Between Local Y025 and Yukon Hospital Corp

“Member solidarity is always the most important element of contract negotiations”, says YEU President Justin Lemphers. “This employer knew that over 350 hospital workers were 100% behind the team; their unity and willingness to strike helped secure a contract we believe the members will support.”

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PSAC North NWT Racially Visible Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 8, 2024, 5:30 -

There are three ways to attend In person at the PSAC offices: 4910-53rd Street, Suite # 201 Yellowknife, NT Virtual: https://psac-afpc.zoom.us/j/66080564504?pwd=dFBMTkJnQmZ3aWlySXAyTkpSeis3QT09…


Yukon Area Council Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 5:30pm, -

Wednesday, October 4, 20235:30 p.m.2285 2nd Ave – PSAC/YEU Union HallLucy Jackson Training RoomOr via Zoom The Agenda will include: YAC…