Union Education Program
PSAC North is proud to offer members a union education program that ranks among the best and most comprehensive in Canada.
We provide members with learning opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, and personal confidence. Union education encourages participation and promotes mutual respect and understanding between members and the union leadership. A trained membership is an active membership and active members build a strong union.
Our online program offers union training at your own pace and time. These introductory courses provide a solid overview on a range of topics. Explore the union’s basic roles and responsibilities including the services it provides all members.
There are courses to explain PSAC’s structure and how to get involved.
There are courses about the history of the union movement to provide background and context for our ongoing struggles. We hope they inspire and motivate you to engage with your union.
See all of PSAC’s online courses
Our union’s education program addresses social justice issues, including human rights. These subjects and themes are in online courses too.
To register, set up an account with a personal email address. Employer email addresses may be blocked. The “my content” link shows a list of available courses. Courses can be done on your computer or tablets and Apple products.
Share them with other members. While online courses are usually done independently, you can use these courses as lunch-and-learn opportunities, for example, groups of colleagues could go through the content together. This is a great way to build solidarity as well as a greater understanding of your union. It could be a particularly helpful way to engage new members.
You may also consider creating study/discussion groups where the online courses serve as a foundation for discussion and group sharing. Use and share them creatively.
See past and upcoming in-person learning opportunities offered by PSAC North in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut: