
Media Release: UNW Response to GNWT Fiscal Strategy

The Union of Northern Workers (UNW) is gravely concerned about the Fiscal Strategy that was announced at the Ledge this week. Specifically, the emphasis on “finding efficiencies” in programs and services rather than reviewing our government’s overall administration.

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Indigenous Languages Month

This month is Indigenous Languages Month in the Northwest Territories. PSAC North stands in support of Indigenous communities across the North and encourages all members to celebrate Indigenous languages, to learn about them, and to encourage the use of those languages.

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Solidarity, Kindness, and Resolve.

The successes of 2023 show us the way forward is one of solidarity, kindness, and resolve. Never doubt your role in making a difference. You can bring people together, you can organize, and you can show your support. We can overcome the challenges ahead.

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Rise of the far right threatens us all

What is even more scary than those who openly espouse a hatred of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, are all those who hold political power but who quietly support and allow that hatred to spread, waiting to take even more power before acting openly on their discriminatory beliefs.

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Victory for northern homeowners receiving housing subsidy

After a successful mobilization campaign by PSAC members across the North, homeowners working for the federal government will continue to receive a housing cost allowance as part of the National joint Council’s (NJC) Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) program.

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