Area Councils

PSAC North is composed of 3 Area Councils, one each for the NWT, Nunavut and Yukon.

Political action is the centrepoint of their work. The Area Councils help to steer the union politically, organizing a response to federal and local governments and to employers when their policies and regulations are not in our members’ interests. They may organize a lobby their political representatives, devise campaigns  to educate and raise awareness of issues affecting our members, workers and the Canadian public.

Area Council members also work with community partners, build links with other Labour groups and send members to PSAC Regional and National Conventions.

Area Councils can…

Attend PSAC Conventions with full voice and vote.

Attend Regional Conventions with full voice and vote.

Submit resolutions to PSAC and PSAC North Regional Conventions.

Raise the profile of the union in the community by, for example, entering a PSAC float in a parade, sponsoring a sports team, or having an information table at a local fair.

Coordinate the circulation of petitions and postcards campaigns on demands such as pay equity, protection of pensions, and job security to enable members in your community to participate in national campaigns.

Be a forum for your representative on the Regional Council where she or he can seek your input on regional union policy and report to you about decisions made on your behalf.

Host a union school where members can come together to find out more about their rights.

Area Councils’ Brochures: YukonNWT and Nunavut.

Area Council Bylaws

Labour Day BBQ– Iqaluit

Elder’s Qammaq

September 6 , 12 PM - 3 PM

PSAC Nunavut Area Council, the Northern Territories Federation of Labour and Nunavut Employees Union invite the Community to our  Annual Labour…


NWT Area Council Meeting

04/07/2021, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The Northwest Territories Area Council would like to invite all PSAC members to join them at their General Meeting,  Wednesday, April 7, 2021 @…


Pink Shirt Day: Stand Up. Speak Up

Students, wearing pink t-shirts, gathered at the Great Hall of the Legislative Assembly in Yellowknife on February 27 to participate in…

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Donations to Food Centres in Nunavut

PSAC North Nunavut and NWT Area Councils donated $1500 to Niqinik Nuatsivik Nunavut Food Bank. Nunavut Area Council made another $1000 donation…

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