By Josée-Anne Spirito, PSAC North Regional Executive Vice-President The winter holidays are often a time of contemplation, during which many of…
Fall Economic Statement: Wins for workers, gaps in justice, and challenges ahead
PSAC North Winter 2024 E-Newsletter
Sharing Warmth and Solidarity {{ FirstName | default: ‘Friend’ }}, On behalf the PSAC North team, I wish workers and…
Federal government moves forward on equitable retirement commitment for frontline workers
Walking in Our Truth Together: Modules 2 & 3 now available
Union Education for Reconciliation: Walking In Our Truth Together
In recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, PSAC is proud to introduce a new online course – Walking In Our Truth Together. This foundational truth-seeking online education program has been created for members to help support the pursuit of justice and reconciliation.
Federal pension plan: Government plans to pocket $7.4 billion to give itself a contribution holiday
News Release: Fort Simpson Housing Authority workers ratify agreement to end strike and improve housing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fort Simpson Housing Authority workers ratify agreement to end strike and improve housing November 22, 2024 FORT SIMPSON,…