Yukon: Starter Baskets to Women’s Shelters

The PSAC North Yukon Regional Women’s Committee donated 50 baskets of supplies to women’s transition homes in Yukon.

This project is made possible with the partnership of Public Service Alliance of Canada, Yukon Employees Union, Canadian Tire, and Women’s Transition Home. Donations have also been received from individual union members and Local Y017.

The committee is excited to expand this year’s project with twice the amount of Starter Baskets to be shared between women’s shelters in Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Dawson. COVID-19 has increased the number of women experiencing domestic violence, and this places additional strain on our local shelters. This project is something that brings our union members together for a good cause and helps those in need. Each basket is given to a woman who is usually starting out with nothing, as they flee from violence and abuse.


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