Yukon Government Bargaining Reaches Impasse

Talks between the Public Service Alliance of Canada and Government of Yukon broke down late January 12th.

The federally appointed mediator has “concluded that the parties have reached a point where, at this time, further mediation would not be productive” and as such, the mediator has concluded this phase of negotiations.

The two sides were unable to reach agreement on monetary items sufficient for all members.

The Union team was seeking additional financial improvements for all members who work for the Yukon Government however the employer team was unprepared to meet those requests. The PSAC/YEU team is optimistic that new political leadership will revisit the government’s monetary mandate.

Yukon Employees’ Union and the PSAC will be checking in with the membership soon to discuss next steps.

“After well over a year at the table, it’s extremely disappointing that the employer fails to recognize the needs of the communities our members serve” says YEU President Steve Geick. “These workers have brought us through incredibly challenging times without the necessary supports, both in staffing levels and compensation. We urge this government to direct the employer to deliver a better offer to their workforce.”

“We hope the differences between parties can be resolved quickly” adds Lorraine Rousseau, PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice President North. “Our members give 100% every day; they deserve better, and they have waited long enough”.

For Information, contact:

Steve Geick, President Yukon Employees’ Union Office: 867-667-2331 Cell: 867-335-2631

Lorraine Rousseau
Regional Executive Vice President, PSAC North RousseLo@psac-afpc.com