Territorial Directors
Territorial Directors represent PSAC Locals that belong to various components of the PSAC that do not fall under the Union of Northern Workers, Yukon Employees Union, or Nunavut Employees Union. The Locals can be Treasury Board Locals, Directly Chartered Locals, or separate employers such as “ The City of Yellowknife Local “ (this PSAC Local is a part of the National Component of the PSAC, but its employer is not Treasury Board). Territorial Directors also represent PSAC members in the North whose local is based outside of the North. If they work in Old Crow, Yukon, their local may be based in Vancouver, BC, or Edmonton, AB, or Ottawa, ON.
The three Territorial Directors (one each from Nunavut, Yukon and NWT) sit on the PSAC North Regional Council. These Directors and their alternates are elected at the PSAC North Triennial Convention from among each Territorial Caucus by the delegates who are not members of YEU, NEU and UNW
PSAC North Bylaws require that Territorial Directors:
1. Attend meetings of the PSAC North Regional Council and PSAC North Triennial Convention;
2. Submit a written report of her/his activities to the PSAC North Regional Council and PSAC North Triennial Convention; and
3. Ensure and promote representation of the interests of members employed by Treasury Board, Separate Employers, Directly Chartered Locals, Members-at-large and other non-component bargaining units within the various union bodies, programs and social justice groups.