Tentative agreement reached for more than 4,000 Government of Nunavut employees

After more than three years without a contract, the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with the Government of Nunavut on February 26 — achieving improvements for more than 4,000 public service workers.  

The agreement was possible because of the dedication and perseverance of the PSAC-NEU bargaining team and members throughout the territory who joined the fight for a fair deal by supporting our Here for Nunavut campaign in workplaces, on social media, and by sending hundreds of letters to MLAs. 

The cost of living in Nunavut is roughly 46 per cent more than the national average in Canada, and that rises considerably in more remote communities. Yet employees haven’t received salary increases since 2017, despite unprecedented increases in the cost of living and inflation. That’s why fair wages and improvements to the northern allowance were key issues during this round of bargaining. When the deal is ratified, all negotiated wage increases will be retroactive. 

Stay tuned for full details on the tentative agreement and ratification vote process. 

Next steps

There are a few more steps to take before the new collective agreement can take effect.  

A full explanation of the new agreement, and a copy of the new language, is currently being prepared and will be distributed to members when available. Preparations are also underway for ratification vote meetings throughout the territory. PSAC’s Constitution requires all members to attend an information session before they vote on a new collective agreement. 

Stay connected to the Nunavut Employees Union’s website for full details about the tentative agreement and ratification vote process as they are available. And please keep your contact information up to date via the member portal. 
