QEC workers ratify tentative agreement

Unionized workers at Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) ratified the new tentative agreement with their employer August 17, 2017.

The new collective agreement includes modest economic gains and increases to Special Leave provisions.

The voting took place both in-person and by mail-in ballots to ensure members in communities all across the territory had the opportunity to cast their ballot.

“The bargaining team worked tirelessly to ensure our members received a fair and equitable contract,” said Jack Bourassa, PSAC North Regional Executive Vice President. “I’m very pleased with the deal we’ve achieved.”

The two sides reached a tentative agreement June 23, 2017.

The new four-year collective agreement will expire on December 31, 2020.

“I’m happy we reached a deal so quickly,” said Bill Fennell, Nunavut Employees Union President. “We were pleased to reach a deal that had no concessions for our members.”

The Government of Nunavut and the QEC board of directors have already ratified the tentative agreement.

The official signing of the agreement will take place August 18, 2017.

There are approximately 140 employees at QEC who generate and distribute power to 14,000 customers in Nunavummiut at 26 standalone diesel plants in 25 communities.

The workers provide mechanical, electrical and line maintenance for all QEC facilities, with administrative offices in Baker Lake and Iqaluit.


For more information:

Jack Bourassa

Regional Executive Vice President PSAC North

Office: 867-669-0991

Cell: 867-444-0846