Friday, November 1, 2019
Nunavut: Raise the Minimum Wage to a Living Wage
PSAC North members, supporters, allies and people from Nunavut communities rallied behind the Living Wage campaign. Thousands sent postcards to the premier and signed the petition supporting Living Wage.
Ten Members of Legislative Assembly presented the Living Wage petition on Tuesday, October 29. The petition, received more than 1,500 signatures, recognizes that Nunavut has the highest cost of living in Canada and calls on the Government of Nunavut to increase the minimum wage in the jurisdiction to a Living Wage over the next two years.
PSAC North commends MLAs who presented the petition on behalf of their constituents: Pat Angnakak (Iqaluit-Niaqunnguu), Mila Kamingoak (Kugluktuk), Adam Arreak Lightstone (Iqaluit-Manirajak), John Main (Arviat North-Whale Cove), Margaret Nakashuk (Pangnirtung), David Qamaniq (Tununiq), Emiliano Qirngnuq (Netsilik), Paul Quassa (Aggu), Allan Rumbolt (Hudson Bay) and Cathy Towtongie (Rankin Inlet North-Chesterfield Inlet). MLA Joeli Kaernerk (Amittuq) who was unable to attend sends his message of support: “I support this petition due a fact that living up North is very expensive: high cost of food, high rent, etc.”
“Together, we can make poverty history,” says PSAC North Regional Executive Vice President Jack Bourassa. “Our communities become stronger when we lift each other up.”
For media inquiries, contact:
Yusur Al-Bahrani
Regional Political Communications Officer
PSAC North
Phone: 867-669-0991