NWT Area Council – Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, February 26
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
In Person/Virtual
All members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, however, only delegates have voice and vote concerning motions.
Political action is the core of the Area Councils’ work. PSAC North includes three Area Councils, one each for the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. They help steer the union politically, organizing responses to federal and local governments and to employers when their policies and regulations are not in our members’ interests. They may organize to lobby their political representatives and devise campaigns to educate and raise awareness of issues affecting our members, workers, and the Canadian public. Area Council members also work with community partners, build links with other Labour groups, and send members to PSAC Regional and National Conventions.
In Person:
PSAC North Office, 4910 53rd Street, Suite 201A, Yellowknife
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 683 1727 8014
Password: 653970
Phone In:
- Elections
- Review of last year’s activities
- Planning for the coming year including the federal election
Learn more about PSAC North’s committees and structure.
Want to stay up to date with PSAC North events and activities? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.