Bargaining Update Meeting: Government of Nunavut Employees
10/22/2021 - 10/22/2021
12:00 PM -
Frobisher Inn, Koojesse South
Greetings Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) Members working for Government of Nunavut (GN)
The NEU Bargaining Team would like you to join them on Friday at noon for a Collective Bargaining Update!
As you know the Nunavut General Elections are on Monday (the 25th) and we would like you to be able to ask the candidates what they would do, if elected, to get back to the table and Negotiate a fair deal for all of the GN workers.
For background on where the bargaining stands, please visit
WHEN: Friday, October 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM
WHERE: Frobisher Inn, Koojesse South
WHO: Members working for the Government of Nunavut
(Pizza & Drinks will be provided)
JOIN your Bargaining Team for a Bargaining Update session, Jason Rochon (President of NEU) and GN Bargaining Team Members will provide details about the current round of Collective Bargaining.
For more information, call Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Iqaluit Regional Office at 867-979-7430 or
Nunavut Employees Union at 867-979-4209