Statement from PSAC Northwest Territories Women’s Committee
Period poverty is a pervasive issue in Canada and yet many of us may ask what period poverty is.
In a nutshell, ‘period poverty‘ refers to having a lack of access to sanitary products due to financial constraints. It has been called a great barrier to equality and low income, homeless and marginalized women bear the brunt of it.
The PSAC North NWT Women’s Committee has launched a campaign to help women and girls access essential sanitary products. Donating is the first step that will be followed by more upcoming actions. Donations, in the form of sanitary products, were sent to the Day Shelter in Yellowknife and schools across the Northwest Territories.
A 2018 survey from Plan Canada International revealed that nearly one-quarter (23 per cent) of Canadian women said they struggled to pay for menstrual products. Seventy per cent of women under 25 said they’ve missed school, work or social activities because of their period. It is estimated that Canadian women spend up to $6,000 in their lifetime on menstrual hygiene products. Northern and remote communities, where a box of tampons can sell for more than twice than what it would cost in a city, are hit particularly hard. One box of menstrual products can cost more than one hour’s wage.
There can be detrimental health implications for unsanitary measures taken during menstruation. For example, women who use the same tampon for a prolonged duration of time can develop infections that lead to toxic shock syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Furthermore, studies have found that unsanitary measures during menstruation can lead to an increase in lower reproductive tract infections
Everyone deserves equal access to sanitary products, regardless of their income. When you enter a public washroom, you do not pay for toilet paper. Likewise, it should be necessary for governments to provide subsidies for menstrual hygiene products not just because they are expensive, but because they are essential.
Should the NWT follow this example? The answer is yes. Allowing all women to be able to participate fully in everyday activities such as work and school.
Menstrual Hygiene Day:
Period Poverty is real and it’s urgent to take action now. May 28 is Mentrual Hygiene Day, dedicated to raise awareness and take action. To find out more about this campaign, visit
Poverty in Canada and around the world:
Plan International Canada report on period stigma:–period-stigma-2018-report.pdf