Yukon Indigenous Peoples’ Committee – Red Dress Pin Workshop – Come Volunteer With Us!

June 21, 2024


June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

The Yukon Indigenous Peoples’ Committee has had the honour of being invited back to the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre 2024 celebrations to hold a Red Dress Pin Workshop. This was a meaningful and rewarding, highly successful and popular workshop last year.

The Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre and the Yukon Indigenous Peoples’ Committee both believe the event will have even more interest this year.

In the spirit of Reconciliation, and to allow the members of the Yukon Indigenous Peoples’ Committee to enjoy this day in their honour, this is a Call for Volunteers to assist with the workshop.

Duties include:

  • Attending a Work Party to assemble beading kits on the evening of June 17 from 5 to 8pm. Drop in and assist when you can. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
  • Attending at the workshop itself, assisting workshop beaders and learners, assembling supplies, and tidying the beading workspaces on June 21

You do not need to know how to bead to be of assistance – come out and learn with members of the public and this team, and craft your own Red Dress Pin.

Suggested shifts on June 21:

  • 10 am to Noon – set up and start of workshop at 11am
  • Noon to 2pm – workshop continues
  • 2pm to 4:30pm – workshop continues and clean up / pack up

Location is the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre.

If you can volunteer, please respond to this email: PSACWhitehorseRO@psac-afpc.com, with:
 –  the time you are available;
 –  if you can attend the Work Party on the evening of June 17

More information can be found:

~ Gunałchîsh, Mähsi’ cho, Shäw níthän, Sógá sénlá, Thank you ~